Peaches & Plums & Poetry


As June burns away into July in our part of the Ohio River Valley, the peaches are coming on nicely. Not that I grow peaches, but I know where to find ’em. And for the past couple of year, there’s been this caravan of stone-fruit laden nomads who drive north, up I-75 from the Peach State, to sell these fuzzy beauties off the back of their truck.

And they are delicious.

And remind me of the peaches (and plums) that my Grandmother and Great Aunties used to grow, and which we’d pick straight from the tree and consume in three to four bites.

And they make me think of this classic jewel by William Carlos Williams, which never fails to make me smile.

This Is Just To Say byΒ William Carlos Williams, 1883 – 1963

I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox

and which
you were probably
for breakfast

Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold

Not that you should keep peaches in the refrigerator. Plums, yes, but peaches, never. They go mealy, and dry, and the opposite of peachy. If you can’t eat all the summer peaches you’ve carted home (mea culpa), freeze them, can them in big ol’ Mason jars, turn them into cobbler, but for the love of all things tasty, don’t refrigerate them.

Our kitchen counter is currently covered in those gifts of summer, and we’ll eat those peaches ’til we founder or peach season is over, whichever comes first.

About Benjamin

Gardening, Raising a Family, Hobby Photography, Reading & Philoso-phizing...not necessarily in that order.
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13 Responses to Peaches & Plums & Poetry

  1. Knowing where to find them is just as important as growing them. πŸ™‚ I’m thinking peaches on pancakes, peach slices with salad, and, of course, peach pie. πŸ™‚

  2. Laurie Graves says:

    One of my favorites! Nothing says summer like peaches.

  3. Peaches and blueberries!

  4. My Dad used to make fresh peach sundaes at his soda fountain. They were a big hit. Special customers also knew to ask for his home grown tomatoes on their sandwiches.

  5. Love this and the photos,I am from Atlanta, my grandfather was a peach farmer, they called me a half peach when I was little.

  6. Those peaches look amazing … nothing like eating them straight from the tree πŸ™‚

  7. Amy says:

    One year our two peach trees were overloaded with peaches. So delicious.
    I also like white peaches. πŸ™‚

  8. Ali says:

    My mouth is watering now. We have a peach tree, and are awaiting a bumper crop. The peaches have always been a bit woolly, but we have had non-stop sunshine for 6 weeks, so maybe this is their year. This post reminds me of an old damson tree near my parents’ old house. The damsons would go unpicked so we always timed a visit to gather what we could. They were the most delicious damsons I have ever tasted. We planted a damson last year to try to recreate this marvel; the first crop is ripening now!

    • Benjamin says:

      Wishing you a bountiful peach harvest! And best of luck with the damsons, there’s nothing better than a taste that fosters a little nostalgia! πŸ˜€

  9. Amy says:

    Very delicious from your own garden. πŸ™‚

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